Answering Machine: *Click!* *Whirrrrrr...*
Jeff: Hi, wassup, this is Jeff.
Justin: I'm Justin.
Drew: I'm Drew.
Nick: I'm Nick.
Jeff: Hey, wassup, we're...
All: 98 Degrees!
(Because we all know that there's no better way to advertise a radio station than by having a boy band whose career ended two years ago spam answering machines across the region. Also, why is it that nobody in a boy band has ever had a last name since New Kids On The Block went belly-up? I mean, yeah, nobody cares enough about these people anyway, but still...)
Jeff: And since you're hanging out in (Struggling to read it...) Lackawanna County, we want you to do us a huge favor. We want you to listen to KRAP on XX.X and now on YY.Y. You know, it's Northeast PA's #1 Hit Music Station®. In fact, right now, KRAP is playing the most Hit™ Music for you in Lackawanna County, with 10 in a row!
(Sure, they play crappy music, but they play it in ten-song blocks, by God! How can that possibly be bad?)
Jeff: So go ahead, Lackawanna County, make the switch to KRAP on XX.X and YY.Y KRAP. Plus, don't forget to check out our good friends...
All: MUMBLEMUMBLE! And the KRAP Morning Crew©!
AJ: Thanks, guys. It's Jen and AJ from the KRAP Morning Crew© and we just want to thank you for checking us out on weekday mornings on XX.X and now on YY.Y, KRAP
(But I *didn't* check you out!)
Jen: As we begin to rebuild our Great Nation™...
(Oh yeah, as if this whole concept couldn't possibly get any cheesier, let's take advantage of the attacks for an advertising angle! Way to go, elite marketing squadrons!)
Jen: ...we want to let you know that we're going to be there for you, every step of the way.
(...Doing absolutely nothing.)
AJ: So go ahead, make the switch. Turn on XX.X and YY.Y KRAP and you'll always get ten in a row.
Jen: That's the most Hit™ Music for all of Northeast PA
(And thank God that we don't have any more than that.)
AJ: Plus, you'll always get the best concert tickets from the...
(With the acts we get in this area, the best ticket you can get is for a place somewhere far, far away from the actual concert.)
Machine, I have never been happier to hear that sound in my life. I feel like listening to KRZ now, just out of spite. *Tunes radio to KRZ*
*Instinctively picks up radio and flings it out the window*
Okay, maybe not.
Next week: WNEP meteorologist Joe Snedeker and MegaTokyo's Dom battle it out in a bloody stick figure fight to the death! Or maybe not...
And now, as promised last week, here's what I ate for breakfast: