The local stations' 24-hour flood coverage has been nothing short of magical, in the "college radio show when the CD player breaks down" sense.
The anchors on 16 are currently showing Facebook photos in order to kill time until something, anything, new comes in, and as I'm typing this have forgotten the meteorologist currently on duty, who I think has used at least three different pronunciations of "Katia" so far. Earlier, they had Tom Clark introduce the newest member of their weather team, with whom he has absolutely no on-air chemistry (there's a shock), in what seemed like the most awkward weather segment EVER.
They also keep repeating a series of helicopter reports that all devolve into Marisa Burke having a conversation about the damage with the pilot and/or camera operator, who are, of course, inaudible. They also repeat a segment in which a guy says that he's going to stay in his house, and if the water reaches the second floor, he's just going to "skip" out. I don't think he quite understands how these "flood" things work.
Meanwhile, 28/22 seems to be broadcasting from a temporary studio, lit with flashlights, interspersed with footage from a series of security cameras, and the anchors have actually been *describing* Facebook photos because they can't get the photos themselves on the air. They've also instructed viewers to call schools and such about closures, because they apparently can't get that information on the air either. I'm surprised they haven't gone off the air due to hamster exhaustion by this point.