Yes, I know it's pointless, and it's probably happened thousands of times before, but I have a 10-page paper that I need to get done for Tuesday, so there you go. Luckily, some graphic designer was so excited about getting a picture of his kid into a circular for a national electronics chain that he got his operating systems crossed up. Otherwise, I would have had to bring out the Internet Landfill Dancers for this week's update, and believe me, nobody wants to see that.
In other news: my car, the infamous Screaming Kiwi of the Apocolypse™, lost a hubcap the other day. I was driving along aimlessly, as usual, when suddenly I heard this "Whump! Whump! Whump! BANG!" noise. I looked in the mirror, and saw my hubcap literally flying over the street. I went back and, after a little searching, managed to find about three fourths of it. I still have no idea how the hell that happened. Anybody out there have any ideas? Oh, wait, that's right, nobody reads this. But just in case a few people happen to stumble upon this page, go post your theories about what happened to my hubcap in the comments. The best one wins a FREE copy of the University of Scranton Mission Statement! Operators are standing by, so act now!
Next week: John Goodman, Eric Estrada, and the music of Dido. Okay, maybe not, although I may be able to get Dido. She's on Kilborn practically every other day, so why not?