And now, I'm going to answer some of the feedback I've gotten from people just like you over the last 3 years. Actually, I'm going to answer most of it. It's pretty hard not to, since only 8 people ever bothered to send anything. In fact, the feedback file contains more "script test" entries from myself than it does actual feedback. Sad, really. Anyway, on to the first message, from "meow.":
meow. meow meow meow. meow meow, meow meow meow? meow, meow meow. *sigh*
I'll let University of Scranton President Fr. Joseph McShane, S.J. handle this one. Fr. McShane?

Thank you, Fr. McShane. Our next letter comes from jerry. He writes:
It was great to see the Casey still stands; they've only had nearly 20 years to figure out what to do with it!
I attended the University of Scranton in 1984 and hoped to be able to see the inside of that buidling before it fell. Unfortunately, the city did not find the need to preserve it the way they did with the Scranton Dry Good building, which was empty but fully heated the last time I saw it.
I got this one back in 2000, when the Hotel Casey was indeed still standing. Unfortunately, it was
demolished earlier this year to make way for a large hole in the ground:

Right now, they're in the process of building a brand new hotel and conference center across the street from the former site of the Casey. I don't know why. Who the hell would want to have a conference in
Scranton, anyway? I'd say something about how the loss of the Casey is a very bad thing for the city, but Peter Hocking already handled that topic in the June 4 entry of his weblog thingamiwhoozit (
No longer online. If you wanted to see it, too bad.). As for the Scranton Dry Good building, I
think Scranton Prep bought it and is planning to tear that down, too. That might be another building I'm thinking of, though.
By the way, if you're interested in what the inside of the Hotel Casey looked like, you can check out
this site, which contains many illegally-obtained photos.
Trespassing: W00t! This has been a message from the National Trespassing Bureau.
(Oct 29, 2001 update: Unfortunately, this site appears to have vanished from the face of the Internet. If anybody knows of a new location or even has the pictures from it sitting on their harddrive someplace, please let me know. For those of you who are still wondering what the Casey looked like inside before it was torn down: take what's left of the Titanic, remove most of the water, and replace the fish with pigeons. For those of you who are wondering about what the Casey looked like inside after it was torn down: you *really* need to get out more.)Our next letter, from Erica:
Um, I realize that I am a big loser for actually writing and the fact that I am from Scranton, PA; but I was looking at your ScrantonCam and the picture that is supposedly taken from the 6th floor of the Casey Hotel had some, I believe they were, Cacti? Now, as many people realize, Scranton is in the North Eastern section of the US where I really dont think that there are any cacti. I just thought I would tell you. Yes, you can rant and rave all you want because some chick from Scranton corrected your site but I am really friggen bored and this took about 10 minutes of my pathetically anal life to complete so thankyou for filling my life with wonderfful things to complain about. Okay...I am going now.
You... Nah, it's
too easy. Next!
The UK's very own raziele chimes in with the following:wot s this site about please send me death threats so I can send them around
Okay, so this person apparently found my feedback page while doing a search for "death threats". I don't know why, but for some reason I find the thought of somebody saying that with an English accent absolutely hilarious. Then again, I live in Scranton. You almost
have to be easily amused in this town. Anybody who lives here will know exactly what I'm talking about. Well, anybody who isn't named Erica, anyway.
So that's it for the feedback. I'd answer more, but that would mean that I'd have to
get more first. So send something. Please. And Be sure to tune in next time, when I'll don a skimpy Sailormoon costume and juggle morningstars with my nose while singing
Oops, I Did It Again. Or maybe not...